Our Residents


Safe and Comfortable Recovery Assistance

Every managed home has a live-in house manager who ensures the recovery residence operates in a safe and positive manner. Residences can inform the house manager of maintenance issues and any home supply requests. Then the house manager will communicate these requests to the house director via an online maintenance request that will be fulfilled in a timely manner.

In addition to answering maintenance requests, the house manager will also ensure that all house rules are adhered to by residents. They will monitor every person’s individual program benchmarks and completion of weekly assigned house chores. The house manager also communicates with the housing director on a daily basis, who oversees the operation of all our recovery homes. The house director will make a minimum of two random visits to each house on a weekly basis, will administer urinary analysis (UA) to residents randomly, and will fulfill any resident’s UA requests toward another resident in the house.

If you are looking for a recovery housing program in the Oregon region, Sober Living PDX & Cascade Sober Living can provide an enjoyable environment. Call our office today for more information.
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